
Surf in Style

We all spend lots of time surfing the net in our attempts to relieve boredom (i.e. avoid school work!) As you may have noticed, we have links on the right for plenty of web-surfing fun. If you haven't noticed, go check them out!

Here are a few more:

A fun fashion blog I stumbled across, with lots and lots of links to explore. :-) An Alien in NY

StyleDiary, where you can view what people all over the world are wearing everyday & set up your own account too! Style Diary

Look at people's style flip books, or make your own! Flip.com

COACD - Confessions of a Casting Director - Hear about up & coming models and what's going on behind the scenes.



Caroline said...

Thanks Joyce...more reasons to procrastinate!

An (ex) alien in new york said...

Haha, I've just started blogging again, now it's the alien in paris..